Irecently came to the conclusion that I was a "serial dater" so I decided to share with you all. I've had an influx of dates in the past month or two which is quite the surprise for me. Some may be cheering me on and others may be saying I'm doing too much. Either way, my dating relationships have come to an abrupt end so it doesn't really matter. As I sat on my computer, doing editing work for my novel, I realized, I'm not really interested in any of the men I'm dating. They're cool, fun, cute and blah blah blah but for some reason, I don't see myself being with any of them. I think some where around the number exchanging and phone conversations, I became a chick that wanted to get to know a person rather than make petty judgements but it appears that my interest level is floating at a steady paste. I sometimes answer my phone, I sometimes return their phone calls. I don't want to date like that. I don't want to be so focused on giving men a chance that I become "too open" ignoring the qualities and characteristics that excite me and interest me in the physical and mental. So yes, I'm starting over but first I must do some evaluating of course. First lesson learned: Do everything with purpose. Random dating is out of the question for me. I know my goals, I know my interest. If ours align, great, if they don't, it was nice meeting you...

So are you a serial dater?  

Love, Writing, and Besos!

Your Favorite Author 

Demetrius Dudley 
1/24/2012 10:20:52 pm

Thank you for information


THX for info

3/10/2012 01:28:44 am

good post

3/23/2012 03:52:26 am

Great info, thanks

3/26/2012 04:34:43 am

is quickly

7/16/2012 07:01:20 pm

Nice one info, thanks

9/24/2012 09:45:59 am

Thank you for data


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